Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My latest Distractions

I've got nothing worth while to blog about, SO, I will just tell you all about my latest distractions.

The first is www.addictinggames.com I've been playing Territory Wars, Mahjong, and some weird bubble game. Yes, this is one of the things I've been doing when I should be doing laundry- or other monotonous things.

The second is www.harajukulovers.com I just love this Japanese stuff. You can get the accessories at Macy's, but the selection isn't as good as the website.

Tootin' my own horn:

I've been working on my magazine editor contacts for the shop's press packs because the lady (Joy) I normally talk to is a journalist for easyrider's now. booooo How dare she get promoted? I got a response today from Frenchie (Tattoo and Tattoo Flash magazine editor). We have ourselves a deal!~ woot woot!
Guess you just gotta know what to ask. wink wink

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Boring Week

I saw Space Chimps last night with Cierra and her bestest friend Alexis. It was just... good, the girls really liked it though. The storyline was typical. There is a villain, an impossible mission and love. It is amazing the things they can do with computer animation....
Had sort-of a boring week. On a very cool note, I believe I found myself a stats. tutor for my damn analysis class and the test is NOT open notes- SUCK. Oh well, it's only 20% of my grade, so as long as I get everything else in I SHOULD be okay. The other class I am in ends next week, and I haven't even started my fifteen page paper. OH Jen- why art thou a procrastinator? Even so, I'm really not worried.

Cierra's swim lesson were cancelled because not enough kids signed up for her level. She'll get to do stroke clinics once the school year begins though. She's a little friggin fish.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Whoa Money- Wierd Money

My dad blew up my phone tonight, which was a little weird considering how late it was. Apparently while he was watching Dateline tonight, there was a story on 'Unlcaimed Property/ Money'. There was a National link that you could go to to see if you have any sort of hidden moola anywhere. Dateline used it to research some lost funds and hooked them up with people. Here is the link if you are interested:

When my dad followed the 'see if you have missing money' link at the bottom of the page. He just put his last name and 'search all states'. He didn't see his name anywhere,but did see my name listed in Arizona (where I lived for six months before I moved to New Mexico with my ex-husband). Anyway, it may only be a dollar or something- who knows; it is more than I have now! I filed the claim with the AZ Department of Revenue Claim for Unclaimed Property. (I'm pretty sure it is just a state tax refund from income taxes, but who knows) weird....

Thanks dad!

Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D

Finally saw 'Journey to the Center of the Earth' it was pretty rad. But then again, pretty much ANY 3-D movie is uber cool these days! Cierra was happy.
(I still like 'The Spiderwick Chronicles' better- It is Amazing! A definite MUST for kiddos and grown folks alike).

Ummm, for the record I was a much happier person when the weather wasn't so gloom n' doom. I love the hot summer clearness we had in June- I'm having swimming pool withdrawls!

Monday, July 7, 2008


I am Fa-Reaking out here. The class that will cap my summer is (drumroll please)......

MGMT 531
Structure Application of Analytical and Statistical Decision Processes for Managers.

Anyone know a statistics tutor???? Seriously....What the HELL was I thinking? (sigh) I'm still holding on to the fact that this will all pay off someday. lol

Bike pics

Took pictures of Bryan Earnest's bike today. It was fun and easy.... objects don't move like people do. :o) He is selling this baby, so if you know anyone interested- gimme a shout!

Sunday, July 6, 2008


I haven't blogged lately because I was pissed. Nanc had good advice on her blog when she said; "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't blog (say) anything at all."
There was yet another Cierra (my daughter)upset over the fourth of July weekend. Her dad was supposed to spend the fourth of July with her, and 'something came up'. It broke my heart because I know how excited she was to have him pretty much all to herself. She got to stay with his parents instead. Thank God for Cierra's aunt Stacy taking her to the pool- otherwise she would have been bored straight.

I was pissed because it is me who always has to explain 'why' to her. Unfortunately she is afraid to talk to him about how she feels, and I quote, 'because he'll get angry at me' and 'Coral (the girlfriend) gives me mean looks mom'. Because of this, it leaves him believing she is fine and puts me in a shitty position. I spoke with her yesterday, she wants to come home. She asked me what I was wearing, so I told her then promptly asked, "why?". She said, "Because I'm pretending I am there with you." I almost cried...

Hopefully he talks to her on the way home, because she could really use it. I waited to blog because I was so undeniably pissed, I may have said some pretty messed up things.

My stomach was knotty because of that all weekend, but had a nice fourth anyway. Started with water aerobics on Friday morning (Manny went too)- it was VERY entertaining. Those old ladies were busting his balls... they even gave him pink noodles to use. lol The gym had a BBq, that was really cool. Free food and music. Laid by the pool for a couple of hours, then went home to get all purdy. Spent the night at Pat's in the valley eating yummy skirt steak, homemade salsa, and blowing up lots of illegal fireworks!